Long ago, mankind used the bark of trees and the skins of animals to protect the body.
As culture gradually developed, the meaning of clothing changed, and today, wearing clothes is necessary not only to protect the body but also to look beautiful, but also has the meaning of courtesy.
Although the habit of wrapping clothes around the body has changed with the times, people have learned how to use hemp, cotton, wool, and raw silk, which we still have grace for today, as the most desirable medical materials among many kinds of plant fibers and animal hair.
Natural fibers are fibers obtained from natural organisms and minerals. They are also known as natural fibers. They are fibers made up of cells from natural products such as cotton, hemp skin, silk thread, and fur.
Fibers and natural fibers

Perfume categories manufactured using natural ingredients extracted from plants, flowers, fruits and other plant raw materials
In contrast to synthetic fragrances artificially generated in the laboratory, animal fragrances (musk, civet, castorium) collected from animal gonad cysts are also included in natural fragrances, but animal fragrances are artificially synthesized and used as they can no longer be collected due to animal protection laws.
[Source] Meaning of natural perfume, ingredients of natural perfume, efficacy and precautions, making natural perfume, rare natural fragrance | Author Signalcent
Natural perfume

We make sensual objects, perfumes, clothes,
and eco-friendly household items
감각적인 오브제와 향수 그리고 의류, 친환경 생활용품을 만들어갑니다

We sell HHTEAM's paintings, art toys, and goods
작가 HHTEAM의 그림, 아트토이, 굿즈를 판매합니다

We plan a variety of modern items that men and women of all ages can see, feel, and enjoy
남녀노소가 보고, 느끼고, 즐길수 있는
다양하고 모던한 아이템을 구상합니다

I'll give you the best lifestyle. NanaPint, a brand loved by everyone
We use more than 90% of natural materials and natural fibers to make safer and eco-friendly products.

You can interpret and feel what you see and think.
I always think so because I don't want to make a big meaning
of painting, and I'm working on my work.
The meaning of the painting that the artist thinks of and the
meaning of the painting that the audience thinks of may be different.
I hope it becomes a feeling that you think about the feelings
you liked or felt again.
words of the writer